Thank you Aunt Kyle for the new hat!
Lois started crawling on Saturday, December 28, after some valiant efforts during the week of Christmas while we visited relatives. Her ultimate inspiration was a toy truck. It took a while to get a video, but this is one of her early successes.
Lois also ended 2013 with four teeth (that we know of). She's had her bottom two for a little while, but two top teeth popped out the last week of December. Thankfully without too much trauma.
Over Christmas, Lois got to meet her two oldest cousins. So now she has officially met all her cousins. Here is Lois with cousins Daniel and Lauren. They were very sweet to her:
Lois has had a bunch of visitors. Aunt Roxanna and Uncle Pavlos stopped by:
Cousin Leo was here for Thanksgiving:
Grandpa Pete was here just after Thanksgiving:
Uncle Mark came through Chicago in December:
So all in all, 2013 ended on a fantastic note. We'll post a couple more pics from New Year's soon. But here are a few last 2013 shots we love!
Ready for Thanksgiving with Dad:
Music class with Mom:
And lest you think it's all about Lois, here's a video of Rob and Taber's holiday tradition:
Happy 2014!