Friday, February 22, 2008

Wyoming is gorgeous (as is Idaho)

We are having an amazing time out west. Here are a few pictures. When we realized how close we were to Idaho, we decided to cross the border last night. When are we ever going to get the chance to go to Idaho again!

On Thursday we went to the National Elk Refuge -- on a sleigh! We saw several thousand elk. We learned that they grow new antlers every season, and their antlers are bigger each year. This one is notable because of the symmetry of its antlers.

Yea Idaho! (Kyle, I beat Rob into Idaho!)

This is the Marlboro Man cabin. Seriously. We're in our snowmobile gear. We went on a snowmobile tour through the wilderness today. The scenerary was phenomenal.

We stopped for lunch at an old trappers' cabin that is now a historic site. Here I am in front of an outhouse that has been snowed in. The way snow hangs off rooftops here is like artwork. This particular snow made the outhouse look like a smurf house. :)

And here's Rob rockin' it out on his snowmobile. Don't overlook the beautiful scenery in the background. We got to ride past acres and acres of untouched snow. We didn't see any other snowmobile riders (apart from our guides) the whole day.

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