Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I just sent this out by mass email to pretty much everyone who's ever been in my email address book, but in case I made any typos and missed you:

Rob and I will be running in a 5K this July to support an organization called Teb's Troops. Teb's Troops was founded by a group of law school classmates of Tricia E. Black ("teb") after teb was diagnosed at age 29 with stage IV melanoma in the spring of 2005. Tricia battled the disease for 13 months and passed away in July 2006, leaving behind a husband and a two-year-old son. I met Tricia at age five -- she was a kindergarten carpool mate and grade school friend (to both me and my twin sister Libby). The last time I saw Tricia was in the fall of 2004 at our high school reunion where she was just a couple years out of law school and a beaming new mom.

To date, in less than two years of existence, Teb's Troops is closing in on raising $90,000 to help find a cure for late stage melanoma. The organization is run by very loyal and impressive volunteers, so virtually all of this money has gone directly to the fight against cancer. (Visit for more info.)

Rob and I would love it if you'd make a pledge of support for us in the Teb's Troops 5K. You can do so here at our fundraising website.

And if you're in or near Chicago, definitely consider signing up to run the 5K yourself! You can sign up here.

We'll keep you posted on our fundraising progress (along with the other mundane details of our lives) here on our blog. And even if you can't donate or run with us, please wear sunscreen!

Much love,

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