Sunday, February 15, 2009


I was looking forward to running today. Weird. I know. I think my subconscious secretly knew I wouldn't actually be running... so that my conscious could feel good about looking forward to running without having to endure actual running.

I am sick. I have a nasty cough coming from deep down in my chest that has been throwing me into some half-not-breathing coughing fits throughout the day. Plus a low fever. So the treadmill was out. As was most everything except television and a small amount of work that couldn't be ignored.

Obviously, now I'm way behind in the competition.

Kat: 0 miles (9.15 total)
Rob: 4.4 miles (13.8 total)

In other news, we went to Blackhawks game for Valentine's Day last night, which was a lot of fun. My coughing spells hadn't fully blossomed yet. I bought Rob a Kane jersey for Valentine's Day. He bought me an iPod shuffle and loaded it with some great workout music for me today. Awww. Good man.

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