Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Operation Mexico - Rob takes the lead!

Despite work still looming and a wake up of 4:30am this morning, I raced to the gym in my hotel at 9:30pm to squeeze in some mileage before the gym closed at 10pm. We all know I'm not going to wake up early to work out. I ran nearly the whole last mile at or above 6.0 because I was so determined to get through my 2.25 miles before they kicked me out. Whoo hoo! I never run that fast, which is like sprinting for my little legs.

So here are the new stats:

Kat: 2.25 miles (5.65 total)
Rob: 2.5 miles (5.9 total)

And with that, Rob pulls ahead. Grrrr.

All I really accomplished in the gym though was burning off half the bread pudding I ate with dinner. I had a fantastic dinner with my second parents -- David and Nancy, aka Mark's parents. They happen to live down the road from where I'm staying for work tonight so they graciously came to meet me for dinner. There's nothing like dinner with loved ones when you're on the road. And awesome bread pudding to boot. :)

Now, back to work!

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