Friday, June 01, 2007

Finally some pictures!

Thanks to my little sister, I have downloaded a bunch of pictures. So here are some highlights.

Rob's friend Peter (r) and Peter's friend Matt (l) join Rob on our balcony.

Rob gets a henna tattoo as part of Libby's bachelorette party... and pretends it's a real tattoo causing him pain. That's little sister Resa and fiance Nick in the background. Resa got a tattoo that said "Nicholas," and Libby got one that said, "Colin."

And here's the tattoo... a flaming heart with "Katherine" written on it. Awwww. True devotion.

On a much more important note, my friend Kate talks to Justice Stevens at the Seventh Circuit Bar Association conference. She'll be clerking for him next year, or rather, in just a couple months. (Wow!!)

Rob and I party it up at the Bozo Ball a few weeks ago. You can kindof see that I straightened my hair for the occasion. How chic.

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